Persoane interesate

joi, decembrie 27, 2007

poezie poezie

The runner
by Cookie

Soon I will be here no more
You’ve heard my Tale
Through my songs
Through my voice and words

Shall I write again
That what I have
Begun in time

A candle is flickering up my head
The runner in the night
He thanks you for the light
Where should I walk again?

With eyes of ice
I’ll not be here
So high above the world
Where shall I go?

I haven’t searched
My own path too
Don’t follow me
To the rivers of tears

About the light from your eyes
How do you paint this sky
And the stars which are
Glowing above you

You’ll hear again
This poetry in time
Through my writing
Through my words…

azi am mai aflat un lucru...

azi am descoperit si oameni d care desi ai vrea sa scapi d ei nu poti:

1. pt k nu te lasa inimia

2. pt k nici ei nu te lasa p tine.

asta e!

cert e... k nu pot fi suparata p tine asa usor... si nu ma pot lasa d tine... si poate k nici tu nu poti lasa d mine... deci... dependenta asta e mai faina k oricand... si restul se zice face 2 face... ;)... k e mai fain asa... si e mai secretos...:P....meri clisma tuturor...=))...k eu am aku un meri clisma fericit... deoarece si pentru ca because i love you!