duminică, decembrie 30, 2007
poveste preluata...;)
Episodul 4 - Lautarul iesit din gratiile “baronului” Pe strada ma intrebau oamenii: “Sandule, da’ nu te-a arestat? Bravo tie, ba! Macar ti-a dat 100 de milioane?” Alexandru Radu, zis “Tigaita” Pentru lautarul “Tigaita”, din Slobozia Ciorasti, doua au fost motivele care aproape l-au determinat sa-si agate acordeonul in cui: “Chiuretajele astea care nu era inainte” si “melodia care spune despre un copil cum fura portofele”.De la melodia “Portofele-portofele” i se trage saracia celui care afirma fara ocolisuri ca, pina sa apara la o emisiune televizata, era artistul preferat al lui Oprisan. “Pentru mine a fost extraordinar Oprisan. Cistigam bine. Daca ma baga si-n puscarie, eu nu pot sa spun altfel”.In anul 2002 insa, “Tigaita” apare in emisiunea “Vorba lui Dinescu” de pe Realitatea TV cintind “Portofele-portofele”. Melodia, se spune in judet, il irita pe “baron” pentru ca printre poreclele sale se afla si cea de “portofel”, pornita de la mai multe acuzatii de furt - nedovedite vreodata - venite de la prietenii sai din copilarie.“Dupa ce m-a dat pe mine la televizor cu melodia asta, am plecat la Focsani si ma intilneam cu baietii astia mai de vaza, care-mi ziceau: “Sandule, da’ nu te-a arestat?” Si eu ziceam “ce e ba, ce aveti?” Dupa aia ei iar ziceau “bravo tie, ba. Macar ti-a dat 100 de milioane ca ai cintat impotriva lu’ asta?””.De atunci “Tigaita” a vazut ca oamenii cu bani se fac ca nu-l cunosc si nu-l mai cheama la petrecerile lor. Cei care au indraznit sa-l invite s-au trezit cu controale la firma incepind de-a doua zi. Un restaurant a si fost inchis, spun focsanenii, chiar din cauza asta. “Degeaba am incercat sa ajung la Oprisan, nu m-a lasat sa intru sa-i explic.A zis “lasa ca te chemam noi””, povesteste “Tigaita”.
crema unei zile...
Raindrops by Regina Spektor
You don't know but that's okay
You might find me anyway
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby
In a town that's cold and gray
We will have a sunny day
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby?
I do not know
Where does it go
When it goes
Suddenly though
Everything?s slow
And i miss you so
Round each corner there's a chance
People searching glance to glance
Moving bout real fast
Like insects and fish when they're scared
And they sing the same old song
Though it's been so very long
They sing, raindrops falling on my head
But that doesn't mean that i am dead
And i do not know
Where does it go
When it goes
Suddenly though
Everything's slow
And i miss you so
You don't know but that's okay
You might find me anyway
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby
In a town that's cold and gray
We will have a sunny day
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby?
poate k nu ploua...dar e ok... merge si in zilele de iarna... am spus crema unei zile, de ce? nici eu nu stiu. poate ar fi miliarde de lucruri drept explicatie, dar in momentul asta mintea mea e prea goala de lucruri plutitoare, e ocupat de un lucru mai greu asa, care-mi incalzeste viata. suna km imo ;)), dar e ok... pt mine...nu stiu dak si pt voi...:-"... ma cam abat de la subiect, dar la o adica, care e subiectul???
de ce facem asta?de ce mergem acolo?de ce respiram?de ce ne hidratam?de ce dormim?de ce iubim?de ce murim?de ce traim? de ce? de ce?... de ce?
1. facem asta pentru ca asa trebuie.
2. mergem acolo pt k acolo e rostul.
3. respiram pt a trai.
4. ne hidratam pt k asa a zis nelu.
5. dormim spre a visa.
6. iubim pt a simti si noi la randul nostru iubirea.
7. murim pt k trebuie sa indeplinim ciclul vietii.
8. traim spre a simti mai multe...pt a indeplini cereri...pt a iubi...pt a dormi...pt a visa..pt a merge...pt a face...pt pt pt...
chiar aku schimb vorbe si poezii cu cookie... si am ajuns la concluzia k un lucru finisat e mult mai urat decat un ciot. am ajuns sa cred mai mult in esteticul uratului. adica ce? nu stiu.
am gasit un citat:
"Alcoolismul are drept cauza uratenia, derutata sterilitate a existentei asa cum ne este ea vanduta."(Malcolm Loury)
"I stand here on legs of fire. Then I saw another mighty angel coming down out of haven. He was wrapped in a cloud and had a rainbow round his head, his face was like the sun, and his legs were like pillars of fire." - am impresia k este un citat dintr-o carte pe care am citit-o eu acum mult timp si din cate banuiesc eu se numea "Popcorn"...adik lucrul asta e mai mult k sigur.
dar gata...ajunge cu aberatiile...pt k nu-si au rostul acum. ma intorc in alta zi si am sa fiu serioasa, cum nu am mai fost, am sa va vorbesc de lucruri mature, am sa intru si eu in acea zi in lumea adultilor, voi gandi asemeni lor... voi face multe....
You don't know but that's okay
You might find me anyway
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby
In a town that's cold and gray
We will have a sunny day
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby?
I do not know
Where does it go
When it goes
Suddenly though
Everything?s slow
And i miss you so
Round each corner there's a chance
People searching glance to glance
Moving bout real fast
Like insects and fish when they're scared
And they sing the same old song
Though it's been so very long
They sing, raindrops falling on my head
But that doesn't mean that i am dead
And i do not know
Where does it go
When it goes
Suddenly though
Everything's slow
And i miss you so
You don't know but that's okay
You might find me anyway
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby
In a town that's cold and gray
We will have a sunny day
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby?
poate k nu ploua...dar e ok... merge si in zilele de iarna... am spus crema unei zile, de ce? nici eu nu stiu. poate ar fi miliarde de lucruri drept explicatie, dar in momentul asta mintea mea e prea goala de lucruri plutitoare, e ocupat de un lucru mai greu asa, care-mi incalzeste viata. suna km imo ;)), dar e ok... pt mine...nu stiu dak si pt voi...:-"... ma cam abat de la subiect, dar la o adica, care e subiectul???
de ce facem asta?de ce mergem acolo?de ce respiram?de ce ne hidratam?de ce dormim?de ce iubim?de ce murim?de ce traim? de ce? de ce?... de ce?
1. facem asta pentru ca asa trebuie.
2. mergem acolo pt k acolo e rostul.
3. respiram pt a trai.
4. ne hidratam pt k asa a zis nelu.
5. dormim spre a visa.
6. iubim pt a simti si noi la randul nostru iubirea.
7. murim pt k trebuie sa indeplinim ciclul vietii.
8. traim spre a simti mai multe...pt a indeplini cereri...pt a iubi...pt a dormi...pt a visa..pt a merge...pt a face...pt pt pt...
chiar aku schimb vorbe si poezii cu cookie... si am ajuns la concluzia k un lucru finisat e mult mai urat decat un ciot. am ajuns sa cred mai mult in esteticul uratului. adica ce? nu stiu.
am gasit un citat:
"Alcoolismul are drept cauza uratenia, derutata sterilitate a existentei asa cum ne este ea vanduta."(Malcolm Loury)
"I stand here on legs of fire. Then I saw another mighty angel coming down out of haven. He was wrapped in a cloud and had a rainbow round his head, his face was like the sun, and his legs were like pillars of fire." - am impresia k este un citat dintr-o carte pe care am citit-o eu acum mult timp si din cate banuiesc eu se numea "Popcorn"...adik lucrul asta e mai mult k sigur.
dar gata...ajunge cu aberatiile...pt k nu-si au rostul acum. ma intorc in alta zi si am sa fiu serioasa, cum nu am mai fost, am sa va vorbesc de lucruri mature, am sa intru si eu in acea zi in lumea adultilor, voi gandi asemeni lor... voi face multe....
poezie poezie
I hope to die on a wonderful day
by Cookie
The true love is in me
And not only in me
It’s all over the infinite
Who doesn’t feel it,that doesn’t actually live
Who feels it,that lives eternally.
With love in your heart,
You can pass the brink of death
Because it rules over there, everywhere
All over the existing and nonexisting worlds.
Dear sweet girl,
Share me your life and death like a poem
Bring me a wonderful day
Share me your hopes
Bring me back my Ocean Soul.
It’s not up to you, or me
It’s just hard to tell I’m sorry.
I hope to die
On a wonderful day
Near you, you’re my love
You were blind
And you couldn’t see
My love over you
There she goes, here I am
Up to me to go to her
Everything takes care of me
Away of my pain
Enemy’s special joy
Is dead to the world.
That’s why I want to die
Near my true love.
I wish I were your angel
I don’t want you to know what pain means.
Oh God! I want to be a part of her life,
To teach her how to fight in this cruel world
But first of all,
I want to die on a wonderful day,
And my soul to run away in the middle of the ocean
Oh dear girl, if you listen to me
You will live happily ever after
Once, you’ve met my Ocean Soul.
Remember my child: hope is only an illusion
And love is nothing but a curse
Wich makes you suffer to death.
by Cookie
The true love is in me
And not only in me
It’s all over the infinite
Who doesn’t feel it,that doesn’t actually live
Who feels it,that lives eternally.
With love in your heart,
You can pass the brink of death
Because it rules over there, everywhere
All over the existing and nonexisting worlds.
Dear sweet girl,
Share me your life and death like a poem
Bring me a wonderful day
Share me your hopes
Bring me back my Ocean Soul.
It’s not up to you, or me
It’s just hard to tell I’m sorry.
I hope to die
On a wonderful day
Near you, you’re my love
You were blind
And you couldn’t see
My love over you
There she goes, here I am
Up to me to go to her
Everything takes care of me
Away of my pain
Enemy’s special joy
Is dead to the world.
That’s why I want to die
Near my true love.
I wish I were your angel
I don’t want you to know what pain means.
Oh God! I want to be a part of her life,
To teach her how to fight in this cruel world
But first of all,
I want to die on a wonderful day,
And my soul to run away in the middle of the ocean
Oh dear girl, if you listen to me
You will live happily ever after
Once, you’ve met my Ocean Soul.
Remember my child: hope is only an illusion
And love is nothing but a curse
Wich makes you suffer to death.
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